Lotion and Skincare Science

Lotion and skincare science

The Biochemical Reasons Your Skin Acts Like It Does

Lotion and skincare science can unlock the secrets behind your skin. Your body is complex and it always has lots of complicated reactions going on. It’s easier to take control of your health journey when you learn why your body reacts in certain ways.

Understanding your skin means going back to chemistry class. And biology class. And some more advanced versions of each of those. (Molecular and cellular biology, anyone? Organic chemistry? Microbiology?) But it’s not as hard as you might think. We break everything down to its smallest parts without wasting time on things you don’t need to know. And there are pictures. Plenty of pictures.

Not interested in the science? Just want to find the best lotion lists? No worries. Click here and skip ahead to the answers.

Getting Started in Lotion and Skincare Science


Molecules to Know

Lipids, proteins, carbs, and more importantly, how they impact your skin.


Your Skin’s Cellular Structure

What skin cells are, what they do, and how they work in your body.


The Moisture Barrier

You’ve heard of it before, but what is it and what does it do?

Why do I need to know lotion and skincare science?

Oh, you don’t. There’s nothing wrong with simply wanting to solve your problem! That’s why all our researched and cited review lists are free and easy to find. But there’s also nothing wrong with wanting to know why your body behaves the way it does. Understanding a little of the science behind your lotion and skincare helps you make informed decisions. That’s why we make all our research available at a glance: so you can be empowered to make your own choices.